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How Future Technology Will Shape Home Food Delivery
Food delivery is becoming available from more sources than ever, and with greater efficiency. As the market expands, major companies are making investments in the latest innovations to improve the speed of home delivery...
Know the difference! Food Delivery apps vs. Food Aggregator apps
As many food and beverage businesses increase their emphasis on delivery, they are faced with the opportunity to use online delivery apps to connect with their customers. Any restaurant operator who is starting to deal...
The Business Plan & Designs for Third-Party Food Delivery Apps
Food delivery apps are taking over restaurant take-out and delivery, transforming a business that was once dominated by pizza and fast food into one that can deliver nearly any kind of local cuisine. The rapidly-growing...
The Devastating Effects of Covid-19 on the Restaurant Industry
The restrictions which have been placed on non-essential businesses in areas dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic have impacted few enterprises as much as they have the restaurant industry. Restaurants worldwide are...