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emc masks as fashion apparel

Sell Masks as Fashion Apparel on Mobile Apps

People can expect to be wearing facemasks in public places for the foreseeable future. Masks that cover the mouth and nose can do a lot to reduce the spread of COVID-19 from person to person contact. It’s only natural that consumers are looking for the most comfortable, effective, and appealing masks when they may have to wear them most of the time. 

Mask Sales are on the Rise

While many types of retail products have had major drops in sales during the pandemic, sales of products related to health and social distancing have risen. These kinds of products may not be enough to compensate, but since every advantage counts, eCommerce businesses should take advantage of this opportunity to meet the demand of consumers. 

Demand for facemasks has been growing with no sign of stopping in the next year. In many areas, wearing masks in public will be mandatory for months. The total sales for manufactured masks was predicted to jump to US $ 7.24 billion in 2020 from US $ 2.86 billion in 2019. Not only are manufactured masks on the rise, but homemade ones are as well. Craft marketplace Etsy reported sales of more than 12 million face masks worth $133 million in April and that number is growing as step-by-step reopenings of businesses and public places create more demand. 

Which Masks are Effective?

While the most effective protective masks are N95 surgical masks, they have frequently been restricted from sale to the public in order to preserve them for hospitals and medical workers. They are also too expensive for regular use as the pandemic conditions continue. 

Masks that cover the mouth and nose with two or three layers are recommended for general use, and they need to be disposed of or washed after being used once. Many apparel companies have worked to put out their own masks to sell. With apparel sales suffering in this time, masks that are made to be washable, comfortable, and effective represent an opportunity to keep selling while contributing to the needs of the public during the pandemic. 

Read more :- Why eCommerce sales from mobile apps are more valuable than website sales

Selling Masks as Apparel

With shoppers reluctant to go to stores, eCommerce stores and mobile apps are the ideal places to sell masks for public use. They can also offer a wider selection to meet the tastes of customers who want to be able to wear the mask they choose. 

What are customers looking for in their masks? As they become fashion accessories, buyers will look for opportunities for personal expression. Selling masks in different colours and patterns allows people to match them to different outfits. Branded masks are also becoming popular for fans of sports teams or media franchises. Since reusable masks need to be cleaned between uses, having a different mask for every day is both safe and fashionable. 

The need is growing for masks designed with additional considerations as they become part of public life. Customers are looking for masks that are more comfortable and breathable while providing sufficient coverage to be effective against airborne viruses, so targeting these qualities when procuring and promoting products is valuable. Children-sized masks should also be made available since current models are meant for adults and don’t fit well. Additionally, masks that are better-suited for athletic purposes are growing in popularity and major brands such as UnderArmor and Adidas are creating their own versions. 

Since people are finding themselves in urgent need of masks that satisfy their needs, apparel stores should do their best to put them front and centre in their mCommerce storefronts. Making masks available for convenient purchase on mobile devices can boost your sales and satisfy customers from all walks of life by helping them stay safe and express themselves.

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