
Order edit without cancellation

Mobile App for your E-Commerce Business

Edit your orders

This feature has garnered great patronage from Store Admins. Customers sometimes might make some typos when placing orders.Store owners/admin can easily edit the customer orders if required without cancelling the current order.

Edit your orders
Notification alerts for customized order

Notification Alerts For Customized Order

Maintaining communication with customers and regularly updating them make them happy and get more connected with the eCommerce store. Keep customers always aware of their order status via Email, SMS and Push notification alerts.

Notification Alerts For Customized Order

Maintaining communication with customers and regularly updating them make them happy and get more connected with the eCommerce store. Keep customers always aware of their order status via Email, SMS and Push notification alerts.

Notification alerts for customized order

Credit/debit customer account

Sometimes the store admin might be required to either charge an additional amount to the customer or refund a part of an already received payment. Whenever required, the Admin can credit a balance amount after modifying an order or charge the extra amount by crediting/debiting the customer wallet.

Credit/debit customer account
Edit history

Edit History

Edit history log plays a key role in managing the orders.The history of changes made to a customer’s order can be viewed easily by the admin through the Edit History log.

Edit History

Edit history log plays a key role in managing the orders.The history of changes made to a customer’s order can be viewed easily by the admin through the Edit History log.

Edit history

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